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Title: Update history since 16 Jul 2020
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Update history since 16 Jul 2020:
20220906Bug fixing: Fixed a bug where "Start from" parameter in duration page failed to be saved.
20220906Bug fixing: Fixed a bug where set the same response device in consecutive event under certain circumstance will cause endless loop.
20220627 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug where ShuffleCycleOrder_APL failed to run.

20220615 Update: Added supports to customize the start time of the Duration via options in "Start From" drop-down box.

20220529 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug where the saving of veriables for Loops failed as the old version of MATLAB (e.g., 2014a) can not handle the cell values for deal function approciately.

20220511 Updates:
      1) Enhanced counterbalance method to support AB and Latin Square method in Shuffle the Loop table.
      2) Force to save the results file in the same directory of the main program/script.

20220422 Updates:
      Added a toolbox to batch generate png from a text file (can be found under the new added toolboxes menu).

20220411 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug where the response trigger under the duration tab will cause unselected output devices.

20211229 Updates:
      Updated implementation of the QUEST procedure.

20211218 Updates:
       1) Added a new option to let users define the encoding format of the output m files (utf8 vs. GBK in default).
       2) Removed the activation permanently.

20211218 Bug fixing: Fixed bugs in QUEST functions.

20211028 Updates:
       1) Now, the center x, center y, width, height parameters can be specified via percentage. The GUI will transfer it to pixels automatically.

20211028 Bug fixing:
       1) Fixed bugs where the cited reference disappeared when reloading the if/switch widget. Thanks to Chaoji Chen for reporting those bugs.
       2) Fixed bugs that caused the "no response is correct" function failed to work.
       3) Fixed bugs where None type in if/switch widget will cause a compiling error.
       4) Fixed a bug in opening the parallel ports in MATLAB.
       5) Fixed a bug that caused the "Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing ...." error when running the script in MATLAB.

20210831 Updates:
       1) Updated the unallowable event name list and made the error info more clear.
       2) Now will give more specific error info for a different type of violation of event naming rules (e.g., conflict with the built-in functions or variables in MATLAB, PsyBuilder, or Psychtoolbox).
       3) Updated the event data variable names to follow our naming rules (e.g., onsettime to onsetTime, cBehData* to eventData*).
       4) Updated the help info and comments for the eventData class functions
       6) Now, it will only print out more detailed info (for developer debug only) when an unknown fatal error occurs.

20210831 Bug fixing:
       1) Fixed a bug introduced by the Preferences menu.

20210825 Updates:
       1) Introduced a new "Preferences" menu to enable us to set the global font and the PTB preferences.
       2) Only static functions will be created separately, which means all separate sub-functions are interchangeable across all projects.
       3) From now on, PsyBuilder will create a *_readme.txt file to explain the usage of them functions.
       4) Now, all-action icons in the Loop event are presented with brief description text underlining them.
       5) Enhanced the tooltip info for allowable keys, e.g., how to set critical names for more than one char "{1!}".
       6) Enhanced error compiling info to make it more readable and precise.
       7) Enabled MATLAB to check the defined gamma correction text file (e.g., should be a size of 256*3).
       8) Enhanced the not-allowable Event name list (Event name is not allowed to be of the MATLAB key built-in names, e.g., break).
       9) Enhanced the not-allowable Event name list: Event name is not allowed to end with '_APL' (it's reserved for PsyBuilder built-in functions only).
       10) Changed GUI configuration for setting the input/output devices for the Event Duration tab.

20210825 Bug fixing:
       1) Fixed a bug in parsing the monitor size info.
       2) Fixed a bug and increased compatibility with OCTAVE.
       3) Fixed a bug in Mac OS with a case-sensitive file system where PsyBuilder failed to start due to unmatched filenames (thanks, Jeff Mulligan, for finding and reporting this bug)

20210620 Updates:
       1) Pre-transfer all images to the mat format to speed up the reading image routine (around 10x faster).
       2) Fixed a bug in the previous version of PsyBuilder (released at 20210619) where loop data failed to get the .raw field in the loop structure.

20210619 Updates:
       1) Added support for using the UBW32 device (Port A) to simulate a parallel port to send triggers.
       2) Pre-generated loop tables to save running time.
       3) Added two demos under the help menu: a cueing task and an RSVP task (Prof. Wen-Feng Chen from Renmin University, China, borrowing image materials from Dr. Krista Ehinger ).
       4) Starts to use parPulse.mex to send parallel triggers under Windows OS (see detailed information about parPulse here).
       5) Added support for Octave (try...).

20210610 Small update: Print out more detailed error information to help us to trace back possible bugs.
20210610 Bug fixing: Increased the tolerance level in loading the Psy file.
20210608 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug introduced by NumPy 1.19.4 that resulted in a fatal error dialog "Failed to execute script PsyBuilder" when ran PsyBuilder in Windows (see details here).
20210606 Bug fixing: Fixed several bugs (reported by Prof. Wen-Feng Chen from the Renmin University of China) in loading the images.
20210517 Updates: Fixed a bug where the file path for image, audio, and video was printed out wrong when it was a citation.
20210514 Updates: Now, for Sound, Image, Video, and Text Event, the background color is linked to the defined Screen color.
20210513 Added a new function: PsyBuilder uses relative file path in the GUI to increase compatibility across different platforms (Linux version will be uploaded soon).
20210513 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug: where codes used to close textures at loop level 0 was ignored.
20210501 Updates: now, PsyBuilder supports specifying a customized CLUTs file (either a text or mat file) for screens (Linux version will be uploaded soon).
20210422 Updates: Start using a new method to fill empty values in the loop variables.
20210402 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug: where the arc items in the scene were shown differently in the GUI and in PTB. While arcs are drawn counter-clockwise from horizontal in GUI, in PTB, arcs are drawn clockwise from vertical.
20210401 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug (reported by Qi Ma): where the effect of the transparent parameter in the makeGabor_bcl subfunction is incorrect.
20210324 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug where loading a file via File-Open file in the GUI failed to compile.
20201218 Small update: Introduced class of handle to avoid using eval function to reference a variable.
20201129 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug where the maximum number of rows of result variables was incorrect.
20201129 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug where the values of *.acc variables were incorrect.
20201113 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug (reported by Dr. XueZhen Xiao from CUHK Sheng Zhen) where the text widget was compiled in the wrong format if the text contained the special character.
20201004 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug: an event's response code will be missed, if it is just followed by a cycle event.
20200716 Bug fixing: Fixed a bug in parsing the text for Text and Scene Events.
20200717 Updates: Now, the text effect will change in real-time in the General tab of Text Event.
20200801 Updates: Added draft tutorials in simplified Chinese and English language.

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Update history since 16 Jul 2020 - by admin - 11-27-2021, 03:16 PM

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